What Do You Do When You Don’t Know What To Do?


Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. ”  ~William Morris

No doubt I could have called this post “Things I wish I could’ve learned years ago.” Do you ever feel that way about life?


Oh, oh, I think I’m about to preach to MAH-SELF.


Because this post is more than likely only speaking to me today.


This past week marked 6 months in our cottage on the Oregon coast.


Overall things are moving along nicely.


However, without going into specifics I know there is a shift going on with how I envision this new space of living. 6 months is long enough to have experienced what our cottage is asking for.


It seems I need to frequently remind myself, and embrace this idea of simple living.


Simple living does not come easily for me. I really have to work at it. And trust me I do. I know at a very deep level the freedom I have found in the whole process so far.


 Okay, so here’s a lesson or two I’ve learned many times when it comes to decorating: the best, lasting decisions are made when you’ve taken your time.


I’m the queen of getting tired of looking at an empty corner. I’ve been known to purchase the first thing that I like, or that I think will fit the bill.


What I’m learning is that there’s no need to rush the process. I can take my time. A philosophy that works in getting rid of things, is also very effective when acquiring  items. Finding things we love, that makes our heart sing, and not settle for “good enough.”


That’s how we end up living simply, and with a home you love.


With every purchase, I now consider: “Do I love it?” LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it?


Or just like it a lot?


Does it serve the purpose?


And does it fit this season of my life?

Here’s a peek at what’s gong on in our cottage.

And, here’s an update on the outdoor Folly.


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7 Responses to What Do You Do When You Don’t Know What To Do?

  1. Joe Kuehner says:

    Thank you so much for this honest, soulful reflection. You have given me much to ponder!

  2. Marsea says:

    Me and you are on the very same seashore journey……I am amazed almost each time I receive your blog posts that we are thinking and doing the same things at just about the same time. Loved this post today as I am trying to let more things go and surround myself with only things I truly love. Problem for me right now is my clothes even though I’ve purged and purged them I still have so many cute ones that I love but I am determined to cut my wardrobe down even more by 50%. It’s really the simple, things in life that are calling me that have nothing to do with money but with memories shared.
    Seas The Day!
    Marsea…….friends of our seashore hearts!

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi MarSea! It’s so nice to see you today. Yes, I believe you and I are in the same beautuful oceanwater. It’s funny how our paths have crossed again during this major transition. I was so honored how you loved our California home. I remember you said it touched your soul like no other. And, now here we are both seeking more in our lives. Ironically, It’s by letting go of lots of stuff. Clothes, yes. ..how difficult it is to part with them. (especially the really cute ones. (grin)
      Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’ll get rid of them when your ready. I found that I had many cute clothes (more than anyone I knew) but I wore only certain ones. Little by little I edited my closet (s) Here on the Oregon coast layering is key, so I’m constantly working on not purchasing another layer! Bahaha! I’m deeply touched by your honesty. Hope you stop by again. ♡

  3. Marsea says:

    Marcia I am laughing again as I just watched your Outdoor Folly video and that is the exact same chandelier I have for my vintage trailer I restored!
    What another coincidence!
    I have a question I also do Tea parties but moved here to this one bedroom seashore apartment umtil we find our next home. It might end up being a one bedroom condo just don’t know at this time. Anyways my question is I have 16 tea settings and I’m thinking of letting them go and also my unique gorgeous tea cups I usually give to the friends who attend as a gift. I love them but think I can do tea parties with what I just own which is a Fantasia princess house dishes. I’m down to one set of dishes for everyday and for holidays and everything. What do you think and what would you do?
    Thanks so much!

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi again MarSea! Ha! Ha! Ha! Why am I not surprised that you too have a chandelier like that. Perhaps, you will have a little Folly at your future home. I can’t wait to see what your new place will look like! It will be charming. ♡♡♡
      Okay, in regards to your tea settings. Your doing what I did. I gave some as gifts to friends, However, I also sold some, and before our final move we hired someone to hold a small estate sale for the nicest items. I only kept a 4 piece Christmas Tea set. Nothing else. Recently, I purchased a beautiful vintage blue China set of dishes. The set is not complete, but there is enough for 5. It’s easy, and not pretentious, and works well where I live. I’m very comfortable with small town living, and of course the beauty of the pristine ocean. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  4. Jenny Bonynge says:

    How fun to change your flooring…lucky you to have wood beneath! The folly is becoming a charming environment in which to entertain, SWEET!

    • Marcia Ren says:

      Hi Jenny! Yes, I have a vision. I will share photos when it’s finished. Yes, the Folly is coming along too! It will be fun to host a teeny tiny tea party!

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